Samsung Digimax i6 digital camera - Multimedia character
Increasingly, Samsung is making its presence felt in the digital camera market as it reacts to all the latest developments. The Korean manufacturer surprised us earlier with innovative models, and now there is the Samsung Digimax i6 PMP. As well as being a user friendly digital compact camera, the Samsung i6 is also a video camera and can be used as a MP3 player. The camera's design also contributes to the modern vibe it exudes from both without and within. The Samsung Digimax i6 has an all-round character thanks to its various possibilities and multi-functionality that will attract a varied group of users. In the area of photography, it will not please the demanding photographer, but trend followers and new generation of photographers may very well fall for this multimedia appliance.
Samsung i6 PMP - User friendly & 2.5 inch LCD display
The Samsung Digimax i6 has many functions concealed in a compact camera and it can sometimes be difficult to have a clear overview of everything. The buttons are well arranged, but the menu could use a little facelift. The multiple options and the fact they can be used simultaneously makes it rather difficult to understand at times. After I had used the camera for hours, regularly referring to the instruction manual, the structure became clear to me, so it's basically just a question of getting used to it. The attractive 2.5 inch format screen displays all of the functionalities clearly and despite the large format, the Samsung i6 is the sort of camera that really should try for a 3 inch screen. Maybe Samsung could bear this in mind if a Samsung Digimax i7 is on the cards?
Samsung Digimax i6 - Good picture quality
The Samsung Digimax i6's picture quality is good and will please the average user. The colour reproduction is nice and strong and gives good print results. There is room for improvement in the ISO quality. The quality of the low ISO values is fine, but the 200 and 400 ISO have relatively too much noise. Considering what is technically possible nowadays, it must be possible to improve the pixel quality and extend the ISO series.
Samsung Digimax i6 PMP - Digital image stabiliser
Although the Samsung Digimax i6 has an image stabiliser, I would prefer it to be replaced with an optical version. The digital image stabiliser in the Samsung i6 works well in good light conditions, but the moment you need to increase the ISO value artificially, the negative effects show up in the picture. Actually, manufacturers should only use the digital version is they are sure that the ISO is of high quality; if not, then an optical image stabiliser is the only solution.
Samsung i6 digital camera - Popular trend setter
I can imagine that the Samsung i6 PMP will go down well with trendy consumers. If people want a pocket-sized piece of equipment with better photo quality than the popular mobile phones with built-in cameras that plays your favourite numbers, then the Samsung Digimax i6 could maybe become a popular trend setter. I can certainly see something in the concept, if only because manufacturers should be very well prepared for new trends. If you market this multimedia appliance as a sort mother of all gadgets, you will be mercilessly taken to task by trendy critics if it doesn't meet high standards. By marketing it, as Samsung has done, as a camera with multimedia extras, you will cultivate the right expectation patterns.
Samsung Digimax i6 PMP - Perfectly good camera
Samsung NV is also active on the MP3 player market and is gaining more experience. I foresee that Samsung will at some point really be able to draw on its experience to make a super gadget, a real high quality multimedia appliance, with for example a touch screen and high quality video applications. Until that time, we will have to make do with the Samsung Digimax i6, a perfectly good camera that allows you to listen to your favourite MP3 numbers while taking photographs or that can be used just in the MP3 mode. Trendy users and the Samsung Digimax i6 is a match made in heaven.
source: letsgodigital.org
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